Thursday 17 October 2013

New Beginnings

It's been a while since I've made a post, a long while, but it's time to get this blog up and running again!

Over the course of my second year at Uni I have chosen to produce work inspired by the following pieces of art for my Visual Design module:

By Raverunner on DeviantArt
By HazardousArts on DeviantArt
By rhyshaug on DeviantArt

All in all I aim to produce Concepts and 3D Models of a Character bust, Weapon and Interior Space.

I'll be documenting my progress related to this as well as my other various unrelated creations every week.

Monday 23 July 2012

Sad and glad times

So I've been entering quite a few designs into's T-Shirt design competitions, sadly my Scream design which I entered into the Marvel Villains competition:

Didn't get approval from Marvel :(
BUT I have also entered the My Little Pony competition which they are currently running and all these:

Got approved! :D

When rating starts I'll make sure to post you a link, 
N x

Monday 9 July 2012

Decisions, Decisions.

I'm entering another of Welovefine's competitions, this time it's a My Little Pony (the newest generation) one!
But, as a designer, I have naturally faced many life changing decisions throughout the design process, for example:

Which do I enter?

Let me know which you prefer, I honestly don't know which one to chose so any preference would be helpful.

Thursday 28 June 2012

Letting my Scream out.

I've finally finished college now, to celebrate it I made a design to enter in a competition... two days before the deadline. So I rewarded myself for finishing college with sleep deprival, but I think it was worth it!

The competition is ran by, who are a fabulous T-Shirt company who really encourage creative independent artists and designers. The competition that I have entered is their Marvel Villains themed one, so I chose to do my design based on Scream because I really liked her character design.

Monday 9 January 2012

Keeping up with my Deviantart

I always forget to keep up with everything, well when I say "forget" what I mean is I probably couldn't be bothered at the time.

Wednesday 4 January 2012

Three Little Kittens

This kitten is one of the many that I had to do for a college project where we made an iDevice app based on a nursery rhyme.

Mine was Three Little Kittens, and boy did I have to draw a lot of kittens. 

Monday 2 January 2012

Sketchbook page 3

Time for a new and over due instalment, I hope you had a lovely new year and Christmas, so here is a completely unrelated picture:

After size 6, shoes loose a LOT of attractiveness. Generally I find that being a size 8 means that fitting shoes look only slightly better than Crocs.